Saturday, December 20, 2014

Home for the Holidays

Family portraits photos with pets

The holidays are a time to connect with others and gather with those you love. In our family, that also means we have a chance to get an updated picture with all of us--it's usually the only time everyone is in the same place. More and more, it seems, pets are included in these special family moments. They're part of the family! Do pets get included in your family portraits?

Post image for the family portrait with pets

An article from She Knows suggests a few tips for a successful photo shoot with your non-human family member. First, pick a photographer who is pet-friendly. Next, consider the time of day for the shoot--if your kitty naps all afternoon or your pooch just wants to play in the morning (like mine), those are things to take into account. Check out their article for more info.

This post from Family Circle suggests you give your furry friend time to get familiar with big lenses and bright lights, and, if possible, take the picture in a familiar place. Also, your pet will appreciate some treats--both to help them do what you need them to, but also as a reward for their excellent behavior! 


Also, if you want to giggle at some pet family portraits gone wrong, take a look at this link! 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

How Pets Improve Our Lives


I love my dog--he makes me laugh out loud, lets me snuggle with him, is excited to see me when I get home. But the benefits of having a pet aren't just anecdotal. Numerous studies have shown all sorts of benefits to having that creature in your life, from improving your blood pressure to improving your outlook on life. This article on Huffington Post lists nine ways pets improve our lives. Take a look. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

They Hate the Vet

Huffington Post recently posted a compilation of photos of pets at the vet. "Veterinarians are doing God's work," Simon McCormack wrote.  "They take care of the sick, disabled and most vulnerable of our household pets. But those pets hate them."

View image on Twitter

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Canines With A Cause

Deseret News

A few months ago, I read about a great new charitable organization based in Park City, Utah. Canines With a Cause takes dogs from shelters and works with prison inmates to train them as service dogs for veterans.

I love my dog--I love playing with him, petting him, and taking him for walks. He sleeps on my bed. He's happy to see me when I get home--he rushes up to me with his tail wagging. He makes me laugh and can cheer me up--he even gives me hugs when I ask him to. It amazes me how much a dog as a companion does.

When I was younger, our family trained puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind. This gave me a small window into the world of service dogs. I learned about how the dogs would need to learn to stay on task perfectly, ignoring food on the ground, animals, people, and other distractions. They would need to guide people around obstacles--including being aware of what is above themselves but still an obstacle for the person walking with them. When they are told "sit," they have to sit every time. When they are told "down," they need to lay down every time. They are incredible dogs.

In sum, I am amazed by the healing, loving power dogs have as well as their incredible capacity to learn and serve. I love that this organization is working to harness the incredible gift of animals--rescuing the dogs themselves, giving meaningful, healing work for prisoners, and offering needed support for veterans who have suffered in the service of our country. What a wonderful organization.

Check It Out:

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Happy Happy Halloween

Are you dressing up your pet for Halloween next week? Here's some inspiration.

Chia Pet - Halloween Costume Contest via @costumeworks

I am the doctor on call, what brings you to the ER tonight?

Vampire Kitten | The 57 Greatest Pet Costumes EVER

Martini Dog - extra dirty

"Girl Scout cookie, anyone?"

Easy Dog Costume. Cutest  Dog costume! @Natalie Jost Jost Jost Jost Jost VanKat Don't you have a chocolate lab??

Headless horseman dog costume

Dog Halloween Costume

25 Adorable Pet Costumes - Think Bob and Parker would let me do this???

My little pony! (A dog's Halloween costume)

Ed's next halloween costume, thanks to Meg W. for the idea

I want to do this to one of my dogs, too bad they are both long-haired and spotted differently.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Cast Your Votes: Salt Lake Canine Mayor

With all the campaign posters around this election season, one that I've been seeing near my house that makes me smile:


I thought this was just someone having some well-merited fun during the high-pressure election season. But I looked Tex up, and it turns out you really can vote for Tex for mayor--that is, for canine mayor of Salt Lake County.

Mayor Ben McAdams explained on his blog what this is all about:

"Salt Lake County is going to the dogs – literally. Last week I was excited to announce the first-ever race for Canine Mayor of Salt Lake County! Does your dog have what it takes to be a leader?

"Your dog must be spayed or neutered, licensed, fully vaccinated and well-behaved.  As representatives for dogs throughout the county, they must earn the trust of dogs and their humans. The winner will serve a two year term and will be my sidekick at ribbon-cuttings, park ground-breakings, and so forth.

"Filing for the race closes September 15th. Then, get ready to cast your vote for the dog of your choice on October 1st. Each vote costs a $1 donation to the Animal Shelter’s Injured Animal Fund and all funds will directly help meet the needs of animals who come into the care of Salt Lake County Animal Services with injuries.  Voters can live anywhere and may vote online or in person at the shelter. Visit Salt Lake County Animal Services to find an application for your canine candidate."

Tex is far from the only candidate. Salt Lake County Service's website lists the candidates, and their Facebook page not only keeps you updated on a running total of the votes, but lists bios for them, as well. There are therapy dogs, movie stars, volunteers, service dogs, and companion animals. Whatever happens in the race, these dogs are helping earn money for a great cause--and helping raise awareness for their kind.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Essential Oils Workshop

Hey! Here's something you might be interested in. Dr. Charles Gold is leading a workshop on using essential oils for your pet. It's free!

Yum, Yum

My mom (Dr. Clytee Gold) sometimes tells about a couple of memorable surgeries here at Forest Hills Pet Care. One was a dog that came in sick--and the x-ray just showed that his stomach had turned to solid metal. When she opened the dog up, she found...hundreds of pennies, nickles, dimes, and quarters. The dog had eaten a jar of change. Another similar incidence revealed that a dog had eaten a stuffed animal. The surgery, my mom tells, almost felt like a C-section: as she opened the dog up, the eyes of the stuffed animal were peering up at her. Our dog Bomb once decided to fill her belly up with the long leaves of a plant in our yard. She couldn't digest them, and she got sicker and sicker until she had surgery to empty out her stomach.

It turns out, though, that a lot of animals eat odd objects and need surgery to help them out. This article by the Washington Post doesn't just tell the story of these poor pets, but shows the x-rays that surprised the vets treating them.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Happy Birthday

My dog Ditto just turned one (on August 25th, if anyone is keeping track). I didn't throw him a party or anything, but his birthday was definitely on my mind. In honor of the occasion, though, here are some thoughts about pet birthdays.

  • Mmm, birthday treats. You've probably heard that chocolate is toxic to dogs. While a couple of chocolate chips aren't a problem, large amounts really can be harmful to your dog (which isn't as complicated as you might think. I've heard Dr. Gold point out that if you ate a quarter of your body weight of chocolate, you'd probably get sick, too). The Pet Library linked to the Forest Hills Pet Care home page has some great articles on toxicity in pets that are worth checking out.

  • If you do decide to try a pet-friendly recipe for some special birthday treats, you may still want to give them to Fido in moderation. Even when you use pet-friendly ingredients, sudden changes in your pet's diet can result in some gastric distress (read: diarrhea). 

  • Petco has a special birthday club for your pets. And don't worry if you don't know the exact day. The date of adoption or just a good guess also works.

  • When you come in to Forrest Hills Pet Care, you'll also be asked for the date of birth of your pet. Once again, if you don't know, your best guess is just fine. The veterinarian can also help you approximate your pet's age. Just like for people, knowing your pet's age helps match the care to their needs.

  • Do you honor your pet's birthday? Feel free to share in the comments!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Other's Butts?

I was at a dog park the other day. A dog and his owner approached me and Ditto, my standard poodle, and as our two groups passed the dogs performed their standard greeting.

"Stop being a perv," the other owner told her dog after a minute, prompting him to move along.

The practice certainly isn't too charming to us--but what's behind dogs and their rear-end sniffing? Dr. Gold recently found this article by David Freeman for the Huffington Post that explores the issue. Take a look.
