Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Diet and Exercise--for your pet, too!

In this June 2013 photo provided by Brooke Burton, Dennis, a dachshund, rests on the ground in Columbus, Ohio. Less than two years ago, Dennis weighed...

In this Feb. 25, 2015 photo, Brooke Burton's miniature dachshund Dennis stands in the snow in Columbus, Ohio. Once a wanton wiener dog, Dennis went on...

Today reported on this dachshund that lost 80% of his body weight with the help of a loving owner--simply through diet and exercise. Even if those treats make them happy, even if they beg while you're cooking, helping your pet watch his or her weight is just as important as you maintaining your own. And the "magic formula" is the same for them, too. Calories in=calories out. 

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